Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guitar Basics 1 - What are Frets?

This is some basic information that most people know, but I include it here just in case someone is wondering. The picture below has boxes with names to the left side. These are the nut, 1st fret, 2nd fret, 3rd fret, Etc.

When someone refers to the 1st fret, they are either referring to the metal piece that can be seen inside the box labeled "1st Fret", or the area right above it where one's finger would press down on the string as shown in the picture below.
In this picture, my index finger could actually be a little farther above the metal fret. This area is also referred to as the 1st fret. (See Hand Placement for more on 1st position hand placement)

Each fret is numbered 1 thru (however many frets the guitar has). My guitar has 19 (the 19th fret on mine is only a partial fret).
Some guitars have dots marking different frets. These are commonly 3, 5, 7, & 12. There are other combinations and some have double dots on certain ones for easier reference.

Hope this helps someone out there!

Feel free to leave a comment or email me at nativeguitarjoe@gmail.com

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